Elementary School

Kindergarten 3 - Grade 5 (K3 - G5)

Students focus on literacy skills reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students learn the art of the English language through the 6+1 Trait Writing Model of instruction and Assessment and the Daily 5 literacy framework. Numeracy is a daily focus as students work to gain a balance between concepts and procedures, while developing sound mathematical practices. Science, social studies, visual art, music, physical education, and world language are instructed in a student-centered approach of practical hands on learning. Technology is integrated throughout the curriculum.


Language Arts - CCSS

(Common Core State Standards, USA)

Mathematics - CCSS

(Common Core State Standards, USA)

Science - NGSS

(Next Generation Science Standards, USA)

Social Studies - C3 Framework

(College, Career, and Civic Life)

World Language - ACTFL

(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

Visual Art - AERO

(American Education Reaches Out, USA)

Music (or Performing Arts) - NCCAS

(National Coalition for Core Arts Standards)

Physical Education - CA

(California, USA)

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