Middle School

Grade 6 - Grade 8 (G6 - G8)

Students rotate to subject-specific teachers. Students are exposed to language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, visual arts, performing arts, physical education, health, and technology. The Middle School curriculum is designed to prepare students for a successful transition into High School. Students are encouraged to pursue their interests and passions. Our goal is to develop independent, successful, life-long learners.


Language Arts - CCSS

(Common Core State Standards, USA)

Mathematics - CCSS

(Common Core State Standards, USA)

Science - NGSS

(Next Generation Science Standards, USA)

Social Studies - AERO

(College, Career, and Civic Life)

World Language - ACTFL

(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

Visual Art - AERO

(American Education Reaches Out, USA)

Music (or Performing Arts) - NCCAS

(National Coalition for Core Arts Standards)

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